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Death to Vanilla Podcast | Ryan Solomon | Episode 02

Ryan Solomon: If you had a client come in and say, Hey, I wrote, you know, half a million dollars to do on ad spend. Right? You could just be like, all right, Facebook ads and Google ads and, and whatever. But whenever you're a startup and you have this, you know, most of your money is going into the tech and you have this little tiny marketing budget, you gotta be creative, and you're gonna come up with very unique things, when, of course, no problem. I just want to live my life, but I keep on hearing about nonsense.

Steven: Make sure your walkies talkies constantly. My name is Steven with the Death to Vanilla podcast, I have Ryan here with Entre. I was previously saying it terribly. And yeah, so I'm just excited to have him on board. He's the content creator for that company. And really deals with a lot of like startups and founders, and kind of all the community there. 

Steven: And so I'm excited to hear from him today. But just because, you know, like we talked about a little bit earlier, before we theoretically hit record that, startups have kind of a different way of looking at marketing, they have a different approach to things, because they just, they're new, they're not established. They don't have like a history of the way they've done things before. Maybe it's individuals they have, but not as a company. So yeah, so I guess, to kick things off,

Steven: I'll just kind of answer you know, ask you the generic question. When you think of the word like the phrase death to vanilla, what does that kind of make you think? What does that trigger in your mind when you think of marketing?

Ryan: I think that kind of means just ending the bland you know, like the boring and going whistling kind of like out there adventurous, bold, creative, something new and new and unique is kind of what comes to my mind, even though I do like no ice cream, but like changing it up, you know?

Steven: Yeah. Well, it's true. Everyone does love to hate vanilla, but I, especially if it's bluebell vanilla ice cream. That's just good stuff.

Ryan: Exactly.

Steven: So everyone has a different definition of bold. What does the word bold mean to you? When it comes to marketing? Like, what is that on the level of crazy?

Ryan: I think it means like breaking the status quo. Um, I think like really jumping out there. I think probably one of my favorite campaigns I've seen happened was actually at Taco Bell campaign, where they did, they sold out tickets to their Taco Bell HQ, where people could eat in person and like 30 seconds, and it got them an unlimited amount of press in like one night because all these celebrities are trying to get tickets are going to talk about, I think things like that are some of my most favorite kind of marketing kind of bold marketing plans. because no one's trying to, you know, go to talk about No one's ever going to reserve but they kind of flipped it on its head. I think things like that are

Steven: Kind of my favorites. Now to jump into your your history a little bit, I researched you a little bit in LinkedIn. And so you were actually a magician for like 10 years. So you have got to a perfected on some level, like the art of keeping people's attention. Right. And so because that's literally like controlling even where they're looking is kind of like what goes into that. So how do you feel like First of all, how did that even happen? How did you get into being a magician? And how do you feel like that's translated into how you view marketing now, since it's still a game of attention

Ryan: 100% for myself, I got in whenever I was like 10, nine or 10 or so. And I saw like America's Got Talent or something on YouTube, I think is America's Got Talent I saw. And then I just started just researching every YouTube video on how to do it. And then I ended up if you've ever had like a YouTube spiraling down the rabbit hole, just learning tons of different magic and I'm also hypnotist as well. Which is a lot of fun. And I think for me, I think really, whenever it comes to like marketing a started up a lot of it's also networking, even more so than marketing, especially with what we're doing because we're trying to get lots of like very niche high quality entrepreneurs on our platform. 

Ryan:So I think kind of with what I've done with magic is really about being very personable, and not being afraid to just, you know, talk in front of people and there's a lot of people who don't like public speaking I'm the total opposite like you put me in a social interaction now just I'll literally people my friends will lose me sometimes whenever we're out somewhere like I'll literally just start talking to random people. I think magic really helped with that and what we're doing right so that helped get you not that you were in a shell to begin with, but you definitely learn to break out of it even more so.

Ryan: Exactly, and how to and also like kind of how to like, I guess I don't say manage people innocently. But like when you're in conversation, like there's a lot of people a lot of things going on, like where to put your attention like we were talking about before is really important. And then whenever it comes to marketing, I guess like it kind of makes you think of like, how to be more creative, I think, because I think magicians are some of the most creative people because they want to make something seem completely extravagant outward. But on the inside, it's kind of like, little secretive, like little things are happening that nobody knows about. There's a lot of different like creative thinking that goes into stuff like that.

Steven: Right? Okay. That's cool. So then, okay, so that helped you with networking to help you with attention. And so now you're in a place where you're an entre, and walk me through kind of like how you got introduced to them? And what kind of being a Content Manager looks like for them? Yeah,

Ryan: So I, my freshman year of college at Penn State, which was spring of 2018, I was looking for internships. And I found one, we actually called me group beforehand, before entre. And I found that the founder at the time was 26. Now he's 29. He's super young dude, in Pittsburgh, and I saw what he was building, which is like the social platform for entrepreneurs. This is really cool. I didn't really know anything about tech. I didn't know anything about startups. But I joined that summer, and I got to work with some like Carnegie Mellon, interns, university Pittsburgh interns. And after that summer, kind of just like I'd spend late nights with our CEO, Michael Mehra, and I would ask him questions that were, like, totally irrelevant to me doing content. And I'd be like, how are we gonna raise funding? How? 

Ryan: How do you raise funding, who'd like, you know, all these ridiculous questions that were so far out of my realm. And once I kind of learned what we were building and what the long term vision is, I was I was stuck. I couldn't I couldn't leave. And I worked for an entire school year, every single summer. And now I'm done. I'm done here in Panama City with our CEO as well.

Steven: That's exciting. I love the one of the I feel like the concerns that people have when, you know, when it kind of stood the idea of like, standing out and being bold, is there's kind of like this fine line between taking it too far. And, and then and then not being enough, right. And so, like one of the people on my team, they had, like, looked up a ad that PETA did, were they like, had an ad that said, like save the whales and had like some ginormous woman on the Billboard. And like people were like, super offended. And it was like, okay, like, certainly that stood out. But in all of the wrong ways that there was a line there, and they were way past it. And so my question for you is, is, from your experience, both from working entre? And then some of the startups you've seen? How does someone go about evaluating where the line is for them, and kind of juggling that balancing act of like, different enough to be seen, but not so crazy? It's horrifying?

Ryan: I think it's, it's difficult because it depends on the company, too. Yeah, I mean, I feel like one of the best ways, especially within, like VC tech is really through Twitter right now. I think people kind of taking, like, little jabs at other competitors in their niche is probably a really good way to do it through means. And that's probably something we're gonna end up doing, I'm actually going to be probably hiring a chief meme officer here. In the next six months or so it's gonna be somebody I'm looking for that's like really good into that understands tech and VC. And also is good at meetings, which is really nice person to find. 

Ryan: But that's probably one of the things that we're going to be doing going forward. Because there's a lot of there's a lot of people that are like very, very into that on the tech VC like Twitter, if you ever looked up, VC brags, it's a very funny Twitter account. They, they just, they just take screenshots of VCs bragging about investments they've made and make fun of them. And it has like 100,000 followers. So I think stuff like that is kind of like in the realm of where I think is a really good spot to be these people love memes, they get them easily shareable. As long as you're not going across the line to like actually hating another company or specific founder. As long as you're kind of like being playful that they are,

Steven: You know what I mean? Well, literally what makes me what you triggered in my triggered in my mind when you said that was Wendy's account, then First of all, it's hilarious. And you don't really know if they really mean it. But it's kind of like one of those things where like, it's just kind of fun, like, I don't know, they somehow have managed to still make it like you said playful, but they're like they're taking serious shots like burgers, like some of those and do they are so funny to watch. 

Steven: But that's Interesting that you talk about having a chief meme creator, you know what I mean? Like, one of the things that I talked about is just continuing to, like, innovate with what is new. And so that's it's not like names are like new per se, but like, as far as the scope of marketing is concerned, you know, like, billboards old, like exactly old memes in the frame of, you know, that frame of reference, very new. So, so I guess my, my question is, you just, I suppose, if you were to kind of deconstruct how you got to that point, you just saw accounts that were doing really well. And you were seeing some of the stats that went like for that. And that's why you decided to pursue that. 

Steven: Yeah, I've seen I've seen some different accounts do it. And I've also seen like, I think it also grows upon your brand, as well, because it allows you to kind of like, it allows you to grow on what your brand is because like we said with like Wendy's like their Twitter's like playful, fun, funny, if that's what you're looking for, like, this is like golden, you know what I mean? And I think if you do it, right, it's perfect. And then kind of like, you found me through Tic tok, right? With Tik tok. It's all about pumping out like volume, volume, volume, I think it's kind of similar with the meme situation, because if you pump out enough of them, there's a chance that one of them is going to be super funny. It's gonna hit the right people, you're retweeted by the right people. And you get tons of organic reach from these extremes. 

Steven: Well, the funny thing is, is maybe I'm looking at all the wrong places, but I just don't feel like I see much of that, from businesses. Like it is rare for me to see one from a business, which I think is phenomenal, because what you're hitting on is like largely untapped. Like, business. There's not I mean, there is kind of now. But even when I just started posting a video here and there, like there was not a lot of businesses on tik tok. 

Steven: And so it was almost like weird to show up, like, Hey, I'm at the party, and no one else is here. Because you know, I mean, like, not many other businesses are doing it. And now it's definitely growing in popularity. And I feel like the main game is kind of like that, where there's just like funny accounts that are posting memes, but not necessarily businesses who are leveraging that. Well, I know, I know, I'm certainly not but now you got me curious? Did there's I've seen a couple that I've done it, I've seen like a couple dating apps that were like startup dating apps that were doing it.

Ryan: A few other I can't remember that I saw a job posting I can, I can send it to you on Twitter, I saw it on Twitter was a guy who was literally hiring, he posted like I'm looking for your chief meme officer. Like that's what the title was. That's right. That's where I stole it from. And he posted that I sent it to all my friends was like, yo, you guys, you go, here's a job. Give us

Steven: Also me also, looking. Now that's really cool. And I feel like you've kind of hit on something a little bit there that I've been exploring too, which is this idea that certain places allow for certain kinds of temperaments, if you will. Right. And so like the memes, like, clearly, they're meant to be funny. You know, and so then you have like, places like Twitter, which are like, I don't know. And then like, you know, Instagram is very dislike pretty photos and stuff like that, although people are leveraging those well, like, as far as where you guys are looking as a company to leverage how what kind of temperament Have you guys kind of landed on? And then how are you kind of expressing that with the different platforms that exist out there?

Ryan: I'd say like, so we're actually gonna be kind of revamping some of our stuff for 2021. But I would say Tick Tock is acting almost like a blog in a sense, as in what people like news things people are searching for, you know, that's how like a blog is, similarly, let's kind of what we're putting out on our Tick Tock is like, every morning, I read crunchbase, like their newsletter, and I read all the companies have the most recent fundraising rounds, then I read TechCrunch and go through and find the most important stories, and try to cover that on my tech talk. And then whenever it comes to Twitter, Twitter is very good for interacting with the right people, because tecnici Twitter is like, one thing that most people don't know exist, unless you're kind of in that scene. 

Ryan: And just interacting with people that are in your niche. I'm not sure if you would use TweetDeck before. But it's a really, yeah, TweetDeck is a really cool little, little site that I've used a little bit recently, and you're gonna start using it more and allows you to essentially like if you're on your desktop, you can have like, four or five streams of a winner, you could be like, I want this, this stream might be just all the tweets that have the word startups in it, this stream might have all the all the tweets that have the word venture capital in it. And if you do that, right, and you have somebody who's pretty witty behind the computer, they can be responding to all these people that are your target customers, right. And if you do that, right, that's You really can get the organic reach. And you're also kind of like touching a customer directly. You know what I mean? So I can work out well, if you do if you use Twitter, right, I think Twitter is probably the most. I think Twitter's probably the most undervalued business platform other than tik tok is like, on point like, tick tock super valuable. Everybody knows. I think Twitter if you use right with the right company, it's awesome.

Steven: Well, they're different in the sense that I feel like Tick Tock is valuable because of how, like, how much reach you're getting, not necessarily that it's like the right people, although I'm sure you're connecting with some of the right people, you know, I mean, like, the the reach is astounding, compared to some of the older platforms, you know, like, I, you know, I've talked to people, not every day, but often who are like, I'm out, like on Facebook and Instagrams, like, the algorithm is just too hard. 

Steven:I can't afford to, like, even reach all of the people who actually follow me with content. Unless I'm, like, literally paying for it. So then, you know, you move to tick tock, and it's like, you know, you post enough. And you could be posting about, like, how to grow acorns. And be popular if you posted enough videos, you know what I mean? Exactly. But I've definitely found my home at Twitter quite a lot. Like, I've been really digging my heels in to go on it. And then I went on, it was like, people are here talking like normal human beings. This is awesome. Like, I don't feel like everyone here has a facade. I don't feel you know, you don't have to have like the most beautiful, stunning picture ever created. To try to get seen. It's just like you go on there. You're a person, you talk to people. And that's like, totally my jam. And so this is funny. Yeah. For years and years. I'm like, I'm not going on Twitter. And then sure enough,

Ryan: I've had the exact same thing too. And I think people don't realize this people are really accessible, like on just what any platform realistically, I think very high level people are three clicks away. If you have a phone, your hands, which everybody does, right? Someone who is way more experienced, and whatever you want to do, is three clicks away. And I think that's the most beautiful thing. Like I reached out to a VC, there's a VC who tweeted that he raised like a $20 million fund. And I was like, Oh, this is cool. I looked into his fund. It's a social impact fund. I knew that their thesis didn't align with us. So they weren't even gonna invest in us. But I just reached out. I was like, Yo, dude, tell me about your fund. And you know, we had a great little conversation because I want to get to PC in the future. That was super cool to just be able to reach out to somebody like that, I think. Yeah, it's it's literally so crazy that you can just do that now. And I think people are taking that for granted, or they're just not taking up on that opportunity that's

Steven: Right in front of them. What I like that idea that you you said about having that TweetDeck with us things open. I just recalled that I found that out the other day, I pulled it up, it was kind of a nice way to just be able to keep up with comments and stuff. But I had not used it yet, like you mentioned about having like specific hashtag feeds rolling in real time. Because that's pretty slick. And like you said, you know, for the people out there who are struggling to keep up with like, what do I make for content every day? It's like you said you literally have something giving you all the information you would need to put your spin on it every moment of every day. And exactly super valuable.

Ryan: Exactly. It's it's super nice. But definitely you want to find somebody who would be like perfect for it. It's just a very niche, very niche job depending on like what your company is for us. Like it's so, so niche down with, like, startups entrepreneurship, VC, tech, kind of like entrepreneurship as a whole. But does this mean somebody who's like really, really savvy?

Steven: Totally, oh, yeah. It's like, how do you make VC stuff? Hilarious, you know, like, Oh, hi invested. That's super funny, like, but you know what I mean, but that's like I what I need to do is I need to go on that. vc brags, so I can kind of get a flavor for that, because that's pretty hilarious.

Ryan: Yeah, they're, they're really funny account. Definitely, definitely worth following.

Steven: I love talking crap. So that's just less It's wonderful. So, from your perspective, as a Content Manager, what's your process to be able to go through with this chief mean guy and be able to really give a framework for what kind of content because like, obviously, you're not going to tell him what kind of content to make. But there's got to be some sort of framework that you're building that says, like, hey, like, it needs to kind of be like, within these bounds. This is what we're about, how do you go about creating that framework for him?

Ryan: I think it really comes down to a strategy. So I think some of the content, like, you know, under the assumption they find somebody relatively soon, I think the way it works is like, we would sort of have like a strategy session, every you know, one once a week check in and also go through some of like, the overarching points that we want to get across about who we are, what our advantages are over competition. other platforms, and things like that. And then, kind of even if it's not necessarily good, I think there's kind of like two types of content where this one is just like super general. So like, for what we're doing, for example, we're gonna be rolling out voice rooms here in the next month or so. So we probably take a little jab, right? I, it doesn't necessarily have to be the most timely relevant, it doesn't have to be something that's like, on the new year or something like that, right? 

Ryan: It can just be a scene from a movie that we can mesh into that to make a meet, right. And then that would be the first type of content, the second one would be selling your time. So slack in notion just crashed the other day. So making meaning out of that, or the new years making meme out of that, like stuff like that, that you can put, like you said, putting your spin on, it would be golden. So I think that's probably the two type of content we'd go through. And I would try to get the person that I'd be managing to make a ton of that general content, like a huge library as soon as possible. So that way, we have all that queued. And then as the timely things happen, we post a timely things when timely, and the general stuff can just be posted.

Steven: Right? I kind of consider that like the evergreen content, where it's like, it doesn't really ever get old per se. But it's also not super relevant either. So you don't you miss that leverage. But you also have something that actually lasts for a while, which is always nice, because it feels like you post something is just irrelevant immediately. And it's like, that's frustrating. And to spend time on that.

Ryan: I feel like there has to be like a meme library with like data. Like, I feel like there has to be like, the most used means by certain time periods are just like, there has to be a database somewhere.

Steven: I'm gonna I'm gonna look into it. That makes sense. I would say the only thing the only random thing I have about memes is I feel like I'm sure you've heard of I funny. Yeah, yeah, dude. So I don't know who's doing their marketing, but their push notifications are so perfectly timed. It's insane. Like, they just have them like, so I used to have them. I don't anymore, but it'd be like, it's lunchtime snack on these memes. And it'd be like, right at noon. And I'm like, how do they know? Like, they would just like have them just like coming out just like the perfect times. And it was like, dude, you you guys are promoting content, like just perfectly well.

Ryan: And that's another part of what we're gonna have to plan for too as we start to scale, because being a tech platforms like an app and a mobile button, I went but what happens well, is making sure that notifications are timely, and making sure that they're also valuable, right? I severely dislike whenever I see something, I get a Twitter notifications, like, hey, this person hasn't tweeted in a while. I'm like, don't do that. This is right. Making sure that like what the notifications are, whenever you open up that edification, it's something that they get value from. And finding a way to do that systematically. And having a strong process. That's give me more of the dev side of things. Give me a mix between primary marketing side and Dev. put that together. But it's definitely something to figure out as we start to scale.

Steven: So kind of going back to the startups and the raising of the funds and stuff like that. What do you think, is different about a startup that they're willing to try so many different new things like you guys are like newish right, and you guys are trying all these cool things? Is that just because the fact that they hired you? And you're just adventurous? Or is it the fact that like startups just inherently are more willing to try new things? Like what kind of in your experience has been why startups seem to be so much more on the cutting edge of stuff?

Ryan: Bootstrapping, because you're so low on funds, you know what I mean? If you had a client come in and say, Hey, I have a, you know, half a million dollars to do on ad spend.

Steven: Right?

Ryan: You could just be like, all right, Facebook ads, and Google ads, and, and whatever. But whenever you're a startup, and you have this, you know, most of your money is going into tech, and you have this little tiny marketing budget, you got to be creative, and you got to come up with very unique things. And I think for that, there's a lot of different ways you can do it. So for one of the things we did it, I wouldn't say this is like, necessarily like marketing, but sort of it worked out to our advantage. So what we did prior to launching, and I think this is a really important thing to do, as well, as one we had a landing page, super simple, and all all of our social media, right? And then two, we hosted events for our community for the past two and a half, three years. Right. So we're hosting events in New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, DC, all these networking events for VCs startups founder. And what that did was that allowed us to build up a huge email list, a long texting list. 

Ryan: So that way, we can sort of really use that to our advantage and leverage As we start to scale, and also, we're raising money on we funder at the moment, we funder.com slash entre. And what we're actually able to do is I've seen people come through the email list or speakers we've had at our events, and they're people who've actually invested in entre. So, and that's been, it's been a really, really valuable way to do it. So I think building up an email list is probably one of the best things, I feel like people will select something that people really overlook, it's not the most big, bold, creative thing I've seen. But I would say that's definitely a really big thing. I think it's really it's kind of different. And also events as a whole to because events are great, because you're actually face to face, getting to know I mean, pre COVID face to face, but getting to know your customers and who the people are, and you're interacting with them. Right? There's hundreds of people 1000s of people who've been to our events, and I'd be like, Oh, that's right, for montshire Oh, that's Michael from entre and they know you by name, which helps your brand as well.

Steven: Well, yeah. Because you you for at least a period of time have their complete attention, which is so difficult to do online. You're fighting you know, six apps, what's actually happening in their life TV, the fact that they're actually work while they're doing all those other things. Exactly. Yeah, it's man, I miss I miss doing stuff in person. I'm waiting for people to like, actually start getting physically sick whenever people use the word zoom. Cuz it's gonna happen eventually. I feel bad. So yeah, no, that's really cool. And I think I think you're right about email lists. I remember, I definitely like, I'm starting to build one. And, unfortunately, started building right as everything started shutting down. 

Steven: So I didn't get to do events yet. And I'm looking for the time that they they happen. But I've started building email lists. And the reason I even started is because I listened to a podcast and the guy was basically like, what's the only platform that you can build an audience in where you only information and no one's going to wake up one day and change the algorithm and completely cut you off from actually like being in contact with them? Just email, and Yang. And now because you guys are on the community, right? The texting platform? Yeah, something similar to that. Yeah. Which is amazing. That's like literally like the text version of an email list. And it's so beautiful, because the barrier is, so like, you're already texting. And then then you're just texting someone else on, it doesn't matter that it's from a business. And it doesn't matter if it's from like some sort of service, you're still being able to talk to them. And I just think that's so valuable. And

Ryan: It's huge. And it's it's very, it's very direct, and also your open rates are so much higher with texting. It's actually really cool. Because I've used it as like me signing up for somebody else's texting community. There's a VC that has a really big fan of and I've been following for a while. And I sent him a text and he actually responding. It's like, this is like, this is so cool.

Steven: Yeah, I followed Gordon Ramsay and so I'm just like, waiting for him to like, swear at me or something like that. I'm an idiot sandwich. I know, right? It's such good stuff. That's cool, man. What do you think is if you could encourage someone who's kind of been doing traditional marketing for a long time? What would you kind of go about do to convincing them that says like, Hey, you know, it's, it's actually we're trying these things. I know, these are new. I know, these things are not necessarily like scary, but just like untested. What would you say to like really? Start like convincing them at least start looking at it.

Ryan: It's tough. I mean, it does depend on what what you're doing specifically, you know, and it depends on what your business is. If you're into startups, totally even like beyond even marketing. It's more about networking. Because the thing here is like, I love doing marketing stuff. I love doing content. I'm not good at Facebook ads, not my forte, right? But I was able to already I met a guy on tik tok, who did he calm him and hit him up in his DMS, he forwarded me to his CEO who does all of our Facebook ads, and he's a beast. He's an absolute beast, right? So I would say if you're starting something right now, just meet as many people that are doing really cool stuff because you never know where it's gonna end up bringing you I think that's one of the biggest things and then I'd also say just tick tock because pumping out content on Tick Tock is has been so so valuable for us. I had 8000 followers like a month ago and I'm up to like 22 like we said, like that one video that just pops off. 

Ryan: I had a couple that just blew up. I'd say Tick Tock and then I think beyond that. I know Gary Vee has been like talking about LinkedIn a lot but Not Why not? LinkedIn is not my favorite. I'm trying to think of anything else that's new that I'm missing out on. Hmm. I don't know. I'm very curious. It really depends on what your niche is. I think I think gaming is gonna be an interesting platform I saw a founder, I forget where I met him, I met a founder who has this platform that is a advertising platform for gamers. So like, if you're watching somebody stream, like a banner ad would come across. Or like, if it was like a McDonald's or like Ronald McDonald would walk across this right across the screen and stuff like that I thought was very interesting. So that could be something very unique. And also micro influencers is one of my favorite just tick tock included as the whole right is probably one of my favorite things. And we're gonna be doing a really big campaign once we launch 2.0. So be on the lookout for that on Tick Tock.

Steven: Sweet now, that'd be awesome. You guys have been like just posting like Matt on tic tac toe. So give us like, some specific numbers if you're willing. I see you guys would go on live, like probably a couple times a week. And then and then. So tell me how what's your like targets? Like how often are you guys planning on going live, and how much you guys posting a week, like just like regular videos not live.

Ryan: I would say it's between seven and 20 posts a week. And do at least one post a day. And I try to get three but three is a lot. So it depends if it's something that's timely if it just happened, it's definitely going out kind of like strategy I saw you before. If it's general, I try to build up a queue if I can. ideally want to get three out. I think today I've got posted one today there another one ready to go out later. One or two. So that's sort of what I do. And then I try to go live at least once a day, it kind of depends like Christmas, I just took off from going live, I was just like, I'm just I'm just relaxing, like, a couple days. But I try to go live like once, once a day, at least like probably like I'll post like once. And like after the second post, I'll probably do go live to try and boost the both.

Steven: Nice now that's super fun. I didn't even realize that Tick Tock did live for a while and then I started people people start doing that I'm like, that's pretty cool, actually, you know, like, did you find that? Like, Is there like a pretty good boost in engagement when you guys go live?

Ryan: For sure. And also, I think the other part of it too, is I've got to actually like after going live enough. There are people who specifically come into my like, almost every single time I can guarantee like eight to 10 people that just love being in my lives. And they'll give me updates on their business too, which is super cool. They're like, Hey, I just raised money, or Hey, I just got connected with so and so are the products at this stage. And like people like love, love doing that. And the other part of it too is like I'm actually making like genuine connections to It's wild. So I've gotten on calls with so many people from tik tok. And then on top of that, like the other crazy part is like I talked about the we funder campaign, a lot of the people who came into the lives and some of the people who followed me, actually ended up investing in the wayfinder campaign, like maybe a few $1,000 came just from people from Tick tock,

Steven: Which is absolutely crazy, that Tick Tock has that kind of power. Well, even if the number even if the the number amount of dollars wasn't super high, which it sounds like it's still pretty good. That just signifies that there are people who are like truly invested in care. And that in itself matters so much. So I think that that's awesome. Thank you,

Ryan: I think they see kind of like what the what the big picture is and what we're trying to build. Which is really cool. There's not too many creators only probably five creators in total that I know other than myself that are like in like the startup side of things more so than general business or stocks or marketing. So it's a little bit more niche down. Yeah.

Steven: So what is something that you're like most excited about in 2021? When it comes to ultra or something of your own? Just like what what are you most looking forward to?

Ryan: I am, I'm so excited for 2.0 because like two months ago, maybe not even we got this new UX UI designer. And the first time I talked to him was like, even a week after we had hired him and I was like talking to him. He's like, yo, it's only like three new designs in the figma. And I checked them out and they were literally so crisp, like the whole platform looks so much better. The whole thing's beautiful, it looks seamless, and I was really mind blown whenever he had just like whipped it up. Which was super cool. And we're gonna have like voice rooms coming here soon as well. So you can just hop into rooms with other options. menores talking about venture capital startups, marketing, literally anything you want to add, it's going to help like an end to end networking solution. So you can easily network with other entrepreneurs. And then also, we're going to be rolling out this feature that allows you to book calls, like directly on your profile. You can charge money, events. So we got, we got a lot of really, really big stuff coming in 2021 I think these next six months is going to be huge. And I think once we roll out 2.0, a lot more people are going to go over to the viewfinder campaign to because they see sort of like what we're doing. It's funny, cuz right now, like, people, I've gotten lots of feedback, and people really liked it. But we're still in one point out, which is crazy. Yeah, so got feedback. From one point,

Steven: Right now, that'd be super exciting. That sounds like super, super helpful stuff. And this kind of makes me think that you guys are doing a good job of just keeping your ear to what people are actually wanting, which I think is huge. When you're building something out, you know, most people, I wouldn't say most people, some people build things with kind of a lot of assumptions. And it sounds like you guys really have your, you know, ear to the ground, having real conversations with people. And then because all of those things are just fantastic ways to start building your network outside of just you know, adding and commenting, you know, be able to, to be able to book a phone call is pretty slick. 100%. And actually, like part of my role, I've been like the community manager as well. 

Steven: So like, the first like, the past, like month or two, part of my role has been getting on calls with people on the platform. It's like my calendly Link is in my entrepreneur file bio. So like people in the community are booking calls with me. And I'm getting like really good feedback from from them, like what they want changed what they want added all kinds of stuff. Right? That's awesome. Well, sweet, man, we'll we'll wrap it up with that. And if you could just share how people can get a hold of you. And I'll probably coordinate with you as far as like actually having links in the some of the profiles. But yeah, if you could just kind of like let people know how to get ahold of you and find you. 

Ryan: Yeah, so I'm @sullydoesitall on Twitter and Instagram ryan@joinentre is my email. And then at @sullyonentre. Yeah, and I'm always down to talk to anyone who's doing some cool stuff, so don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you so much for having me on. I really appreciate it.

Steven: You got it, man.